Friday 27 May 2016

Indies screencastify

Reflections W4 T2



Writing:This is my Charlotte's web activity for this week. My task was to recap a part of the book and write as if I was writing a newspaper article.  

Charlotte's web Article
In the early cold frozen  morning At Mr homer Zuckerman's barn just out of Reuther glen Lurvy the farm hand trotted along with a some warm slops to feed the pig when noticed a strange message in a spider's web it was written by an ordinary house spider. The message was  the corner above the pigs pen , The message read Some pig but what does that mean ? it was so clear and it sparkled.  Sooner the farmer and his wife arrived to have a look in  this incredible  strange message .

Mr Homer Zuckerman was so interested and sure that he had the most fabulous pig  that he went to tell the mayor about it. Know that the mayor knows he went to take a look for himself along with a hole lot of curies people.

Know everyone in the whole wide world new about Wilbur and was coming

Writing:These are some of my follow up games that I had to practice.There are also some screenshots of my scores.I learnt how to properly put comers into the right places.

 Numeracy These is my three numeracy tasks for this week.  I had to use rounding and compensating to work out some times tables.

Maths activity 1 this is my first activity on rounding and compensating. I learnt how to ex-plane my work.  

Maths activity 2 I had to work out this activity  also do a screencastify about the same question . I learnt how to use rounding and compensating to work out all sorts of questions .

Friday 20 May 2016

Reflections W3 T2


Writing: This is my writing that I did for my Charlotte's Web activities. I learnt how to write a narrative. I liked writing about my favorite character and part of the book.  I also had to create a web with some pig in it for another task.

Spelling:  I learnt how to make up a sentence using my spelling words and any random words to make scene. 

Spelling : I learnt how to add vales and consonants using my spelling words.

C   l   o  t  h  e  s
10 10 5 10 10 5 10 = 60

F  a  v  o  r  i  t  e
10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 = 60

L  u  c  k  i  l  y
10 5 10 10 5 10 10 = 60

S  t  o  p  p  e  d
10 10 5 10 10 5 10 = 60

W  o  n  d  e  r  f  u  l
10 5 10 10 5 10 10 5 10 = 75

C  o  u  l  d  n  t  
10 5 5 10 10 10 10 = 60

F  e  i  l  d
10 5 5 10 10 = 40

M  i  n  u  t e
10 5 10 5 10 = 40

S  t  r  a  i  g  h  t
10 10 10 5 5 10 10 10 = 70

Y  o  u  r  e
10  5 5 10 5 = 35


This is the link to Banqer

 This is my banqer savings. Banqer is something that my school uses for earning money for when your good or do something helpful. You can save money for going to the toilet or getting a drink in class. I am trying to save money For a house or a class party.

Friday 13 May 2016

Reflections W2 T2

Writing: This is my Writing I did for W2 Charlotte's web activity.We had to write a report about spiders.   

spiders_5any6pqc (1).jpg
Spider report


Spiders eat lots of different foods like flies, moths, bugs,crawling insects and anything that crawls or flies into their web. When a spider catches it pray they will wait till a insects or bug goes in their web and then bang the spider will rap the prey up  in their silk and then sucks their blood. It is good to have daddy long legs because they eat white tails and any other spiders in your house.

Some spiders have 8 legs and 4 eyes. They have really hairy legs but some have more than others depends what spider it is. Some spiders come in different colors and shapes and sizes.They have big fangs that looks like buck teeth and hang out of their mouth.  Spiders can look scary but sometimes it’s just there look but they aren't always.

A spider's habitat can be anywhere but they most likely it in the warmth. They love underneath things like houses or in roofs. Sometimes they make their homes  in piles of wood, in the woods,  on rocks, under rocks but mostly places you can't see until you walk through it like door ways. Most spiders don't stay in one spot they move all the time especially when they have caught their prey and then they move on.

Life cycle
A spider life cycle is not that different to a human's life cycle or a frog's life cycle.They start as a tiny egg and then hatch. They grow through their  stages of life right up until their a grown adult and can hunt for pray very easily. Not always there life cycle precedences because it can get interrupted by humans or their predators. Spiders can have different life cycles because some end longer than others or some end quicker than others .  

Predators  and prey
Spiders prey can be anything like other spiders, bugs, insects, flies and lots more. Spiders like to wrap their prey up in their web. Because spiders are small there are  many predators to them that means that it is something that eats a spider like other larger things , birds, toads, lizards, monkeys and others spiders.There are also lots of small creatures that can eat a spider like ticks because the attach themselves to a spider  and eat away for a long time while the spider carries on there life.

Numeracy : This is my Math Slide it is all the things I learnt in my Sessions in W2. 

Topic: This is my topic that I did for Anzac. I had to do 3 activities showing answering questions, Events and effects , And a poem. I learnt what a Mascot was. 

WW1 Events and their Effects:

Event:  what information can you find about each of these events from WW1?
Effect:  Describe the effect that these would have had on the soldiers and their families back home
Sometimes the dogs get a little to protective and bite the soldiers. They also sometime get over excited and bite as well and that would also affect the soldier's family.
The Rats always crawled up to the soldier when they were sleeping in the Trenches and then when they woke up their would be poo all over them from the mice YUCK!! I would hate the mice.
Trench Foot:
I would hate to get trench foot all of the mud on your feet and all of the mold.
I think they would of been home sick reading the letters from family, all of your whole family would want to know if you are ok.  
Meal Tins:
I would not like to eat food straight out of a tin. ex , spaghetti, tomatoes.  
Tomb of the Unknown Warrior:
You're Dead and they put your body inside a tomb which is like a cave.
Broken Families:
That would not be a good feeling and it would of happened to a lot of families.

Lest We Forget

By Ella Mahuika Kaede Cowan Summer Rhodes

Lest we Forget the ones who fought in WW1
The dashing figures around the war zone and the creepy gravel ground.

Lest we Forget the ones buried deep in in the ground
nor the ones here living now.

Lest we forget their souls and hearts cause those
People made this world AMAZING!!

Lest we Forget that they are still here with us and
we can always thank them.

Lest we Forget their kindness and happiness
And helpfulness in WW1.  

Image result for poppy

Art : This is my For Anzac That I did. I used blending and different colors.

Friday 6 May 2016

Reflections W1

Writing: This is my description witting for my Charlotte's web activities. I had to use similes, metaphors and personification. 


Topic: This is the inside and outside of my Lego barn, based on Mr Zuckerman's barn from Charlotte's Web.                                  

Topic :This is our letter that we had to write for our Anzac topic about someone in war in a trench writing to someone at home.

To Mum and Dad I``m not enjoying war at all but once all this is over I am going to be so happy. We are now in the trench and I don't have much time to write this letter. All of the other people are out fighting for their lives but I managed to stay in the trench to write this. I miss you guys so much and there is not much chance that I am going to see you again. So Love you guys so much and hope I will get to see you again soon 

Your Sinsley Edward 

Topic:This is my topic that I had had to do for showing a war poem with some information about why it was written and who was the author. 

Topic :This is my Anzac topic that we had to do for finding a map showing when the people at war got to the places showing on the map.

Topic:This is  Banqer a website that my school uses to save money for class party and lots other things.