Friday 10 August 2018


Writing : This week we had to write a argument about if animals should be kept in zoos or in the circus. Ella and I choose to do it on whether animals should be in the circus. Here is our writing piece.  

Would you like to be trapped in a cage having to practice acts all day everyday. Well we know that we definitely wouldn't. We think that animals should not have to be abused for human entertainment. The animals are living a sad and lonely life and should be out there enjoying the world instead of being stuck inside and not being in there natural habitat. We`re  going to tell you 3 reasons why we think animals should not be in circuses.

Would you like to be abused and carried around for your whole live? Well the animals that act in circuses are not treated very nicely. They have been taken from their homes to act in circuses for human entertainment. The circus instructors use whips, tight collars, muzzles and electric prods to make the animals do as they are told witch is an abusive way to control animals.

The animals are living a lonely and sad life, what if that was you? They are chained up and not feed properly and are forced to do things they don't want to do. They are not living a usual life and they will probably die earlier in life then other animals because of being overworked and always being exhausted.

What If you weren't with other humans and you were always with animals instead of people like you. Well these animals aren't in there natural habitat and are forced to live in cages instead. I think it's very unfair and wrong for people to treat animals this way.  

Those 3 reasons right there are why we strongly think that animals should not be in circuses.

What do you think?

By Ella and Kaede


  1. Hi Kaede
    I would have to agree! The thought of being trapped most of the day in a cage, would be terrifying for me as I get extremely clautrophobic in small spaces. It would be horrible for them when they make a mistake performing, they get physically punished. Imagine if every time, you made a mistake in your school work, your mum or Miss Power hit you!
    I like the acrobats at a circus best anyway as when I have seen animals they just look miserable! I know how much you care for and look after your pets and know you would never treat animals this way. Keep sticking up for things that you believe in!
    Thanks for sharing
    Miss Lagan

  2. Hi Kaede,
    My name is Aaliyah and I am a year 7 student currently attending St Pius X Catholic School. I think your writing is a pretty good argument, I would have to agree with you on this. Animals shouldn’t be kept in cages for our pleasure. I think you should work on fixing some errors in your writing and proof read it before posting it to your blog. Other than that, I think your writing was pretty good!

    Good Job!

  3. Kia ora Kaede it is Zyah here from Mamaku 1 I like yr blog post About your argument I think I am with you on this. I dont think Animals should be Kept in Cages.Kye Bye Full stop


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