Writing:This is my Charlotte's web activity for this week. My task was to recap a part of the book and write as if I was writing a newspaper article.
Charlotte's web Article
In the early cold frozen morning At Mr homer Zuckerman's barn just out of Reuther glen Lurvy the farm hand trotted along with a some warm slops to feed the pig when noticed a strange message in a spider's web it was written by an ordinary house spider. The message was the corner above the pigs pen , The message read Some pig but what does that mean ? it was so clear and it sparkled. Sooner the farmer and his wife arrived to have a look in this incredible strange message .
Mr Homer Zuckerman was so interested and sure that he had the most fabulous pig that he went to tell the mayor about it. Know that the mayor knows he went to take a look for himself along with a hole lot of curies people.
Know everyone in the whole wide world new about Wilbur and was coming
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